Improving Maternal and Neonatal Health in Pakistan

Development of Maternal Survival Strategic Framework & Implementation Guidelines

Development of Maternal Survival Strategic Framework &  Implementation Guidelines

Key Wins:

  • The Forum led the development of Pakistan’s National Maternal Survival Strategic Framework and Provincial Implementation Guidelines aligned with other relevant national strategies, policy documents and operational guidelines. The framework was endorsed in the Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health and Midwifery (RMNCAH/MIDWIFERY) Technical Working Group of MoNHSR&C in April 2024.

Project Duration:


Project Brief:

Pakistan must intensify its efforts to implement necessary health services reforms aimed at reducing the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. Despite a significant increase in antenatal care and skilled birth attendance, these improvements have not translated into improved maternal and neonatal health outcomes, highlighting gaps in Pakistan’s healthcare services. To address this issue the Forum in collaboration with the Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Coordination (MNHSR&C) and with support from the World Health Organization (WHO), developed the Strategic Framework and Implementation Guidelines for Maternal Survival in Pakistan. This framework, crafted through consultative meetings, review of present health policies, strategy papers, group discussions, and stakeholder engagement. It focuses on key areas including women’s empowerment, legislation and policies, continuum of care, quality assurance, accessibility and affordability, women-centered healthcare, and strengthening the midwifery profession. Through these interventions, the framework aimed to improve maternal health outcomes, reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates, and enhance the overall well-being of women and children. The final report, after a series of reviews, was presented and endorsed in the meeting of Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health and Midwifery (RMNCAH/MIDWIFERY) Technical Working Group of MoNHSR&C, marking a significant step towards its implementation.

Project Media: