Scaling-Up MNCH and FP best practices

Karachi Declaration

Karachi Declaration

Key Wins:

  • Adoption of 10 MNCH and FP best practices. 
  • This declaration urged the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Population Welfare to guarantee the availability of resources for MNCH-FP services and establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to ensure the effective implementation of MNCH-FP best practices. Additionally, it appealed to national and international partners to prioritize and assist the government in scaling up MNCH-FP best practices in Pakistan.

Project Duration:


Project Brief:

In order to accelerate the national commitment and progress towards achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5, the White Ribbon Alliance Pakistan Chapter (WRAP) provided support for the Pakistani delegation’s attendance at the USAID/WHO-supported International Scaling up of Maternal, Newborn Child Healthcare (MNCH) & Family Planning (FP) Best Practices conference in Bangkok, Thailand. This participation empowered Pakistan to tailor its action plan, aligning MNCH & FP programs with national goals and specific indicators, thus facilitating the dissemination of best practices across the healthcare system. Drawing upon the insights gained from the conference, WRAP organized a 2-day Policy Seminar on Scaling-Up MNCH and FP best practices in Pakistan. This initiative culminated in the landmark Karachi Declaration, which was endorsed by representatives from Ministries of Health and Population, Provincial Health and Population Welfare Departments, Government of AJ&K, FATA, Gilgit Baltistan, donor agencies, and development partners. The Declaration represents a significant commitment to scaling up effective MNCH-FP practices, broadening the focus to include family planning and post-abortion care, thereby advancing MNCH-FP practices in Pakistan.

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