Respectful Maternity Care (RMC)

Key Wins:
- WRAP’s advocacy efforts led to the adoption of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter by the Health Care Commissions of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, with further integration of RMC into patient rights charters. This integration ensured the establishment of minimum service delivery standards and enhancements in health worker training curricula across healthcare facilities.
Project Duration:
Project Brief:
Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) is universally acknowledged as a fundamental human right, ensuring dignified and safe experiences for pregnant and birthing women. It encompasses various aspects of maternity care, emphasizing individual-centered approaches grounded in ethics and respect. Despite this, pregnant women often endure heightened stress due to mistreatment by care providers within healthcare facilities.
The White Ribbon Alliance Pakistan Chapter conducted formative research to gain insight into the treatment of pregnant women visiting public health facilities in Pakistan. The resulting report revealed instances of abandonment, denial of care, verbal abuse, and lack of consent within the healthcare system. These identified gaps, from both demand and supply perspectives, underscored the need for relevant laws and policies to be established and implemented.Motivated by factors such as accountability gaps and insufficient healthcare provider training, WRAP initiated a targeted campaign aimed at raising awareness and advocating for legislative and policy reforms to promote RMC based on international human rights principles. Through this initiative, WRAP effectively educated citizens about RMC using various communication channels, including print, electronic, and social media platforms. Leveraging the widespread availability of mobile phone services, messages about RMC were disseminated to audiences in both rural and urban areas. Additionally, RMC Champions were engaged to collaborate with existing MNCH alliances, advocacy networks, and government departments, further enhancing support for the cause on a broader scale.
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