Safer Together

Safeguarding resource allocations for Maternal, Newborn Child Health & Family Planning programs in times of crisis

Safeguarding resource allocations for Maternal, Newborn Child Health & Family Planning   programs in times of crisis

Key Wins:

  • Development of the National RMNCH-N Strategic Framework, informing the National and Provincial Disaster
  • Management Authorities’ MNCH emergency preparedness, response guidelines and protocols. 

Project Duration:


Project Brief:

The global health community recognizes that women and children, already vulnerable, face exacerbated challenges during emergencies like COVID-19, due to strains on the health system. Despite the urgent demands of the COVID-19 response, it’s crucial not to overlook the Mother Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) needs of the population. Acknowledging this, The Forum – White Ribbon Alliance Pakistan Chapter was concerned about government funding diversion from essential health programs to pandemic-related activities, potentially worsening maternal and infant mortality rates. In order to address this, The Forum in collaboration with the Health Service Academy (HSA), developed policy guidance and accountability tool to help shape the immediate, medium- and long-term policies and actions needed for restoring maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) and family planning (FP) service delivery, and keeping them intact in the post-COVID-19 period. It targets decision-makers and development partners with the aim of creating the realization that women and newborn children need quality and respectful maternity care (RMC) services even when disasters strike.

Project Media: